
Writing Competitions

We invite papers on any issue concerning Native American law.

Hargrave Prize for Writings by Past or Present Sovereignty Symposium Faculty

Awards will be given in the amounts of $1,500, $1,000 and $750 for the best three original and previously unpublished papers. The winners will be included in the Symposium publication.

Congratulations to our 2024 winners!

1st: Elizabeth Lohah Homer, Why Can’t We All Get Along

2nd: Brian T. Candelaria, Path to Higher Ground

3rd: Christianna Stavroudis and Gordon Yellowman, Sr. Peyote Crisis, Past and Present

Doolin Prize for Students

This competition is open to any student enrolled in college, at any level. First, second and third prizes in the amounts of $1,000, $750 and $500 will be awarded. The winning entry will be published in the symposium publication. Second and third place entries will be published if space permits.

Congratulations to our 2024 winners!

1st: Sara Mae Moore, Harvard University, a river of grief, The Mortality Effects of Water Restoration on Native American Reservations

2nd: Steven Parker, Thompson Rivers University, Closing the Infrastructural Gap

3rd: Rob Houle, Thompson Rivers University, Indians and the 49th Parallel

Honorable Mention: Nina Still Privett, University of Central Oklahoma, Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women

Hager Prize

The Hager Prize of $1,000 will be awarded for the best writing, either student or presenter, on the ICWA or any legal issue concerning Native American children. The winning entry will also be published in the Symposium publication.


  • The entries in the writing competitions must be fifty (50) single-spaced pages in length or less.
  • The paper used shall be 8-1/2” x 11” in size.
  • Use a 12-point font in Times New Roman format. The left and right margins must be 2”; the top and bottom margins must be 1.5”.
  • The title of the paper, the name of the author and a current email, mailing address and telephone number must be placed on the cover page.
  • Only the title of the paper should appear at the top of the first page of the text. The author’s name should appear on the cover page only.
  • Papers must be submitted in Microsoft Word.
  • Email the formatted version to


If you have any questions, call Lori Harless at (405) 208-5017.

C. Blue Clark Student Poster Competition

Please fill out the form below and email your abstract (250-300 words) to in a PDF attachment. This competition is for undergraduate and graduate college students.

Congratulations to our 2024 finalists!

(L-R) Catherine McGee, Garrett Trett, winner Sarah Osborn, Hayley Harris, Stuart Osborn